Our Services

Packages include:

30 minute Free Initial Discovery Consultation to discuss goals, expectations and to assist you in choosing the appropriate program. See program descriptions below!

• Several comprehensive nutritional sufficiency assessments and a review of your and/or your child’s health history to develop a thorough analysis.

• Review of dietary, lifestyle, and fitness habits. A comprehensive report including recommendations on how to make incremental changes that match your goals.

• Optional supplement recommendations that address your general health and specific insufficiencies discovered during the nutritional assessments or based on your medical history.

• Follow-up zoom consultations throughout the duration of your program, one 40-minute appointment per week.

• Email communications at your discretion to address any questions or concerns and to provide general, ongoing support.

• Recommended reading, tailored protocol recommendations, supplement data sheets, and recipes as needed to provide you with the tools you need to make the best decisions for you and/or your child’s health.

• Help in creating a one week menu to get you started!

• Follow-up evaluations will track your progress throughout the duration of the 3 and 6 week programs.

• Ongoing support and discussions after your program is complete to make sure you have the tools you need to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle!

”Maybe you are searching amongst the branches for what only appears in the roots”— Rumi

Basic Service

Intermediate Service

3 Week —Walk Towards Wellness Program

Sample Schedule

Week 1: Initial Consultation, Completion of the online NAQ* and your dietary habits report (Food Journal) and Initial Interview Form. (1 1/2 hours)

Week 2: Follow-up correspondence with a report and nutritional recommendations for foundational support based on all information gathered. (45 minutes)

Week 3: Final consultation and maintenance recommendations per your results and symptoms. Also, learn more about the nature of the symptoms we can address, the nutritional foundational issues and other relevant issues. (45 minutes)

Cost of Program: $370 Adults/$350 Children

Individual Appointments (separate from packages): $135/hour (Includes the NAQ*)

All appointments are conducted via Zoom in the comfort of your own home.

Advanced Service

6 Week— Revive Your Vitality Program

Sample Schedule

Week 1: Initial Consultation, Review of NAQ* and dietary habits (1 1/2 hours)

Week 2-3: Follow-up weekly correspondence appointments and check-ins with nutritional recommendations report for foundational support. (45 min)

Week 4-5: Review of the second NAQ if needed, consultation, progress report and additional recommendations. (45 min)

Week 6: Protocol adjustments and final consultation with maintenance recommendations. (45 min)

Cost of Program: $700 Adults/$680 Children

*NAQ-- Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire. The Nutri-Q survey is a comprehensive nutritional analysis tool. It aggregates scores from 321 symptoms related to the foundations or pillars of health. This survey is the starting point to creating a personalized picture of your nutritional insufficiencies and provides relevant data on how to approach the process of healing. I will send a link to your email and you can fill it out digitally at your own convenience. 

Book a Free 30 Minute Discovery Consultation